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Monday, March 22, 2010

Matir Moina (The Clay Bird) and Download Links

Watch this international award winning awesome Bangla Movie "Matir Moina".

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Review on Matir Moina (The Clay Bird)
Matir Moina raises the common questions about religions like Islam.

The movie opens with the scene of a Madrasa where a new child has got admitted. The other children of Madrasas start their very morning with reading Qurans like parrots. They know they have to memorize it though they don’t understand a single word. The question is: what is the benefit of this blind reading some alien lines and verses?

Another point is, the world has thousands religions because every religion that was evolved never went away. To know about only one religion from the childhood is to narrowing the way to truth and a resistance of mind and hatreds to other religions. Is this any good? What do you say?

Next the movie enters into the child’s family. The father is an alopathy medicine adopter. The mother is a typical housewife of agrarian society. The whole family has adopted Islam recently. The father got a very resistive mind cohering to the fundamentals of the religion Islam. He gets angry if he sees anything with his son and family not strictly conveying to the religion. So when he hears his son and brother went to enjoy some Hindu rituals he admonishes them. I feel a sheer hatred that every strict follower of a religion bears in his mind for non-believers or other followers. When he gets a chance he doesn’t stop himself to show it.

In other side the child passes a banal period in Madrasa when he could have some nice times with his family and learn in spontaneous manner. But now he has got to lead an ascetic life in the Madrasa. The name of the child is Anu. Huzur modifies his name from Anu to Anwar because he thinks it is not Islamic name.

The father goes to Estema/Tablig. I wonder why some people goes to Tablig always. There are cases when family should be taken care of. With the indifference of the father the children’s futures can be in fix. Well, I shouldn’t go out of the scope of the film.

In Islam any kind of musical works are banned. The great baul philosophers compose their song with unique lyrics and music. When Anu’s mother gets a chance to hear such a nice event she rather gets restrained if Kazi(her husband) minds. The daughter insists to go. And we get a chance to enjoy a nice baul song.

Lyrics of Song 1

পাখিটা বন্দি আছে দেহের খাঁচায়।
ও তার ভবের বেরী পায় জড়ানো
উড়তে গেলে পড়িয়া যায়।
দেখলে পড়ে জুড়ায় আঁখি,
নানান রঙের নানান পাখি
আকাশেতে উইড়া বেড়ায়
ও তার ভবের বেরী পায় জড়ানো
উড়তে গেলে পড়িয়া যায়।
পাখিটা বন্দি আছে দেহের খাঁচায়।

কাঁচা বাঁশের ঘরটা ফেইলা
ময়না পাখি পাখা মেইলা
তাদের সাথে মিশিতে চায়।
ও তার ভবের বেরী পায় জড়ানো
উড়তে গেলে পড়িয়া যায়।
পাখিটা বন্দি আছে দেহের খাঁচায়।

মাটির তৈরী ময়না বলে
তইলে কেনে মনটা দিলে?
না দিলে জোর যদি ডানায়!

The daughter of Kazi dies in lack of good medicine. The superstitious medicine of Kazi which works combined with dua’s are just proved fake. And Kazi leaves that kind of alopathy distribution which was a wise decision. Losing a daughter is enough to open the eyes.

Lyrics of Song 2

যদি বেহেস্তে যাইতে চাও গো
অন্তরে রাইখো আল্লাহর ডর।
যদি আল্লাহর সন্ধান চাও গো
প্রেম রাখিও অন্তরের ভিতর।

আমি আপনার মেয়ের বয়সি, শরিয়তের হইয়া
মারিফতের বিষয় কিছু সওয়াল যাব গাইয়া
বেয়াদবি নেবেন না দেইখা আমার ভাণ
হাদিস-কোরাণ মানেন না, কেমন মুসলমান?
মোল্লা-মুন্সি ক্ষ্যাপা কেন, আপনাদের উপরগো?
অন্তরে রাইখো আল্লাহর ডর।

কোরান-হাদিস বুঝতে কিছু জ্ঞানের প্রয়োজন
দুই পারা ছিপারা পইড়া বুঝবে কি মদন,
নিজেরাই বোঝেনা, অন্যরে বোঝায়
সব লোকেরে ভুল বুঝাইয়া কাঠমোল্লারা খায়।
বেহেস্তের লোভ করিনা, নাই দোজখের ডর গো
প্রেম রাখিও অন্তরের ভিতর।

ফকিরেরা জিকির করে নামাজ ফাঁকি দিয়া
রোজার দিনে গাঁজা টানে ধ্যানের-ই নাম নিয়া
হজ্জ্ব জাকাত করেন না, না হয় নিলাম মানি
কি প্রবলেম করছে আপনার বলেন কোরবাণী?
রক্ত দেখলে কাপঁবে কেন, মুসলিমের অন্তর গো
অন্তরে রাইখো আল্লাহর ডর।

কুরবাণী করিতে হুকুম প্রাণ প্রিয় ধণ
গরু ছাগল হইলো কি তোর এতই প্রিয়জন?
নিজের থাইকে প্রিয় বস্তু আর যে কিছু নাই
আত্মত্যাগই আসল কুরবান জেনে নিও ভাই
দশ ইন্দ্রিয় ছয়টি রিপু পারলে দমন কর গো
প্রেম রাখিও অন্তরের ভিতর।

ছেড়ী নিয়া বেড়ান ঘুরি, নিকাহ না করিয়া
একসাথে নাচেন গান, বেপর্দা হইয়া
পুরুষ পোলার জন্য বাহির, নারীর জন্যে ঘরগো
অন্তরে রাইখো আল্লাহর ডর।

মাইয়া হইলো আদি বস্তু, সৃষ্টি যারে দিয়া
ভেদাভেদ করে যারা, তারাই করে বিয়া
মাইয়া হয় প্রেমের ভান্ড, মাইয়া হইলো মা,
মাইয়া না হইলে ভবে আমরা আসতাম না
সৃষ্টি করতে দোনোই লাগে, নারী এবং নর গো
প্রেম রাখিও অন্তরের ভিতর।

যদি আল্লাহর সন্ধান চাও গো
প্রেম রাখিও অন্তরের ভিতর।

Beliefs like a muslim will never hurt another muslim doesn’t work till end. The Pakistani hayenas attack brutally and helps bring the war strongly. Lives of people get changed. But the fundamentalism is a strong disease. It stays with incorrigible Kazi. Others leave either to fight or for safe place.

There are so many things that the movie captures. I’m just giving some conclusive words. The movie successfully shows the relation between war, society, human life.

Matir Moina simply proves the religions are craps. You believe it hard, you lose your dear people’s love and keeps the reality far beyond your belief. Religion gifts you a complete illusive life.


  1. Nice review. But I have some point to say.

    The things you have mentioned criticizing religion in this article none belongs to the actual practice of the religions. The practices, like to be too restricted or to hate the religious people or superstition is the bad practice or malpractices of religion. So religions shouldn't be blamed here.I personally do know about Islam. Islam doesn't say to do behave badly with other religious people neither it says to believe in superstition. It is we who do not about the religions polluting the whole things. So it is very illogical to judge a religion by the people who are practicing it in non-standard form.

    Well about tablig. I am not personally interested about it. But what's the problem with tablig ? you say in our article "the great baul"(that should be matter of discussion whether you should say a baul great or not...). Bauls are those who leave their family for searching the truth(???? what is truth). My question is aren't they doing injustice to their family?

    "Beliefs like a muslim will never hurt another muslim doesn’t work till end. The Pakistani hayenas attack brutally and helps bring the war strongly."

    here you again try to judge religion by judging some people who are saying that are religious. That is not the way I think. If you are judging a computer you shouldn't judge how a user uses it, rather you should want to know the catalog and configuration of the machine.

    Well the movie depicts well the problem of madrasha education system of Bangladesh.

    Last thing, I personally believe religion was necessary at past, is necessary at present and will be more necessary at future.


  2. Thanks for your patience indeed to drop by here.

    Bauls, sophies are deviant I think. I added an adjective 'great' cause they make us feel great with their great philosophies, other sides of thinking.

    About all others you said my opinion is,

    It's nothing but religions created divisions on mankind. From the very ancient times to now killings, tortures etc are going on. Once poeple killed theists, then monotheists people killed polytheists, now monotheists kill others. This is a reality unconcerned.

    Diversity of beliefs creates differences among values, judgements of people. Religion indeed is responsible.

    I said things just thinking nothing! Don't think so. First try to find out why I have thought so. Never mind. I don't underestimate you.

    Yes your belief is personal.

    The future world will be secular and unified. Everyone will say yes one religion, humanism. That's the way to truth, way to enlightment. Personal? May be. May be not.

  3. Thank you so much for sharing these links, but I don't think they exist any more? I cannot locate them at rapid share. Please let me know where else I might be able to find them. Thanks!

  4. Hey, I just checked. All the links are still working. If you cannot access rapidshare then try mediafire links.

    Thank you too.

  5. I think, you are approaching in an erroneous way without settle on science. Personally I made many ones who believe in religion and strongly practice in a proper manner. But the fact is that, you should study more and more before making a imperative decision.

    “Matir Mayna” does not inform enlighten way and it’s a one kind of ignorance that the director wants to highlight. Yes, its true with these incidents, but its not the actual fact the Islam relies on.

    Please don’t mind if my words hurt you.


  6. I think I made you clear about these points. Yap, I am constantly studying and ready to accept any change that are required to correct my errors.

    > Personally I made many ones who believe in religion and strongly practice in a proper manner.

    I want to know about it more.

    Feel free to write. I am not a child to be hurt with mere words.

  7. wonderful songs and also....the singer I mean Momtaz was done awesome and marvelous work ..
